Electronics, Quadrocopter, embedded programming and more

Category Electronics

All my posts on electronics

My Simple 4-Channel DAS

A simple four channel data acquisition system (DAS) realized with a four channel ADC module and an Arduino Uno.The Uno communicates with a Linux PC via the serial port based on the CmdMessenger library to the PC that is running… Continue Reading →

Hi all

Welcome to my home page, the Home of Markus Reinhardt (in short HoMe R). Unfortunately it is still in its very infancy. But soon you will find some more information about my hobbies: electronics, quadrocopter building and theory, physics, communications,… Continue Reading →

My “Blue Pill” Test Projects Setup

I have created several small projects to demonstrate HW and SW concepts in a break-out board setup with a STM32 “Blue Pill” board. The PlatformIO extension within the VSCode IDE using the Arduino environment was used to develop all test… Continue Reading →

My Audio Spectrum Analyzer

I created an audio spectrum analyzer based on the PiSound board for the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi uses the Ubuntu Mate 18.04 operation system. The application software is written in Qt with the Qwt library. The high level block… Continue Reading →

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